Simon Delakorda Director of the Institute for Electronic Participation, Slovenia |
Short Biography
Simon Delakorda, M.Sc., (1978) is a full time eDemocracy/eParticipation practitioner & researcher and founding director of the Institute for Electronic Participation in Ljubljana. Starting in 2000, he participated in most of an early internet democracy projects within university, NGO and business sector in Slovenia. He is an author and co-author of articles, case studies and conference speaker on e-democracy and e-participation within civil society, EU institutions and public administration . He received B.Sc. degree on e-democracy in 2002 and M.Sc. degree on e-participation in 2009. During 2006-2007 he facilitated the first successful e-democracy experiment in Slovenia - the Citizen's Forum. His memberships include the Slovenian Political Science Association and Association of the Slovene NGO's managers. He received awards and experts recognitions as an e-democracy student and facilitator and is currently affiliated expert of the Demonet: the eParticipation network and co-head of the Central and Eastern European Citizens Network eParticipation expert group.
Conference Appearence