Andon Stefanovski
Director of IT, Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia
Short Biography
Andon Stefanovski is born on 19.02.1976 in Skopje. He earned his BSc degree on the Electro-technical Faculty in Skopje. Since 2001 he is a Chief Information Officer in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia and active member in many workgroups in the European Forum of Official Gazette’s. As a project leader he was involved in all key projects in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia:
Electronic preparation and classification of the regulations;
Workflow in preparation process for web and printed editions of Official Gazette;
Compatibility of the XML schema with open standards adopted by European Union,
XML representation on all regulations;
Automatic conversion for further preparation of regulations from Government and Assembly of Macedonia, etc.
The achievement was successful implementation of full digitalization of the legislation publishing process in the Official Gazette.
The latest successful project was the implementation and certification of ISO 27001 standard and he was nominated as a Management board representative for implementing and auditing standard at Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia.
Conference Appearence
Monday, September 13th | 13:10 - 13:40
Topic 3.3
Case Study 3 - Official Gazette Macedonia
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