Dr. Amjad Umar Professor and Director, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology |
Short Biography
Dr. Amjad Umar is Chief Architect of the United Nations GAID (Global Alliance for ICT Development) eNabler Project and Director and Professor of eBusiness and eGovernment at the Harrisburg University of Science and Technology. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Systems and Telecom Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, Founder/CEO of NGE Solutions (a startup specializing in next generation enterprises -- NGEs), and a Fulbright Senior Specialist on ICT. His 25+ years of experience includes senior management, consulting and faculty assignments with global telecom organizations (e.g., Bellcore), Frost and Sullivan (England), Toyota Corp., Society of Manufacturing Engineers, manufacturing organizations (e..g., Ford Motors), US Department of Navy, US Army Research Labs, educational institutions (e.g., University of Michigan, Rutgers University, Peking University), and consulting organizations in England, Singapore, China, Italy, and Canada. He is the author of more than 60 research papers and has written six books. He has an M.S. in Computer and Communication Engineering and a Ph.D. in Information Systems Engineering (Industrial and Systems Engineering Department), both from the University of Michigan.
Conference Appearence
Monday, September 26th (Day 2) | 11:30 - 12:00 |
Panel 1 - ICT as a tool for government transformation |
Session title: SPACE - A Computer Aided Environment for eGovernment and eBusiness Agility